Decades of conflict have resulted in a growing number of problems for the average citizen both here and abroad. Author Casey Dwayne proposes five sensible solutions to slow down bad actors and move toward sane governance.
America has a unique history. Its rise from a bloody rebellion to a global superpower in 162 years is a feat never before witnessed by humanity. <250 years ago a civil war with Great Britain started this nation. Just 85 years after its start, the American Civil War threatened to tear this nation apart. Yet in the past 77 years since the end of World War 2 America has risen and fallen with the threat of both world and civil wars keeping those living on a knife's edge.
Communist expansionism, late-stage capitalism, budding socialism, and an active state of distrust foments a dangerous cauldron of bubbling tension that threatens to destabilize the nation and, at worst, result in the most destructive period of human history we've seen up to this point. Solutions aims to stop that before it's too late.
This isn't a guide on "how to save the world". It is effective, doable solutions to problems we have now. A non-profit is in the works to expand on these topics and coordinate political activists for maximal results. To be a part of these efforts, consider sending a donation, sharing this work, or contacting the author to help. We need all of the support we can get to turn Ways To Fix America into a Better America.
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as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Notes from the author:
I did not write this book to make huge profits – I did it because I genuinely love the ideals upon which this country was founded. America has always been a lot better on paper than in practice.
I did not write this book to make huge profits – I did it because I genuinely love the ideals upon which this country was founded.
My hope for Solutions is that we start working together to fix our broken system before it is too late.
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